Hi there 👋, I'm Fazza.
I love building stuff on the web because I can freely express my Idea. It’s like having your own tiny space that show you exist in this world. Sharing knowledge and opinion, build useful application, craft stunning visual experience, make new friends and connections.
I help other developer grows through various means, such as mentoring, facilitating, and teaching. I made most of my network and connections from participating as facilitator in scholarship programs.
Currently focusing on building experience across platform such as web and mobile development.
Some technologies I've worked with
- Typescript / Javascript
- React
- React Native / Expo
- Next.js
- Phyton
- Tanstack Query
- Node.js
- Express
- Webpack
- Xcode / Android Studio
- Docker
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- Figma
- Astro
- Prisma
- Firebase
- Storybook
- Svelte / Sveltekit
- Jest / Vitest
- Cypress
- Playwright
Languages I speak
Since I was a child, I’m fascinated by the power that languages hold to connect with people simply by speaking a person’s native language. I also believe that understanding the culture can open the door to people’s heart. It motivated me to learn and understand different language and culture.
Favorite people on tech space
Throughout my software engineering journey, I've realized that having role models has been a powerful source of motivation, helping me persevere through hardships. These are the people have truly inspired me...
Site credit
I'm by no means a great UI/UX designer. So, I definitely took inspirations here and there. Here are some amazing sites and people that heavily influenced the design and UI of this site.